Itinerários com raquetes de neve

Explore a natureza intocada de Courchevel com raquetes de neve ou a pé, nos nossos trilhos para todos os aventureiros!

Com as suas raquetes de neve, caminhe sob os abetos, desça uma encosta coberta de pó, aproxime-se do leito de um rio com os seus cristais de gelo ou adivinhe que animal deixou a sua marca antes de si. Durante a sua estadia, a estância de esqui de Courchevel oferece-lhe a possibilidade de mergulhar no coração da sua natureza intacta em 9 itinerários com raquetes de neve. Quer se trate de um caminhante ocasional ou de um desportista experiente, existem percursos com raquetes de neve para todos os níveis: do verde ao preto, tal como as pistas de esqui de descida! Não tem raquetes de neve? Pode optar por um dos 15 percursos pedestres regularmente preparados. Estes oferecem um vasto leque de possibilidades: pequenos passeios, visitas a aldeias ou momentos de liberdade na floresta.

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2 - Descente de la Corbière

A lovely descent through snow-covered meadows, taking you to see the oldest tree in the Forêt de Courchevel: the silver fir tree.

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7 - Sentier Bellevue

This route offers a combination of pleasant downhill balcony trails through the forest between the two highest villages in the resort.

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1 - Boucle de Montcharvet

Set off from the typical hamlet of La Jairaz for a walk through unspoilt scenery to the hamlet of Montcharvet. Return via meadows bathed in the afternoon sunshine.

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10 - Chemin du Moulin - Villaflou et La Nouvaz

This path links the hamlets of Villaflou, which preserved its mill, and La Nouvaz, with its chapel.

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4 - Chemin des Chevreuils

This mountainside trail connects the villages of Courchevel La Tania and Courchevel Le Praz, with pretty views of the valley and the hamlets on the opposite slope.

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3 - Le Praz - Chemin du Paradis - Le Freney

A trail between meadows and forest for those who appreciate tranquillity, taking you through the hamlet of Le Freney to the Olympic ski-jumps.

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6 - Boucle du lac de la Rosière

This snowshoe trail takes you through an untamed landscape to the imposing Lac de la Rosière, with the majestic Dent du Villard looming in the background.

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7' - Sentier des Tufs

This route offers a combination of pleasant downhill balcony trails through the forest between the two highest villages in the resort.

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5 - Clairière et bassins de Mateigena

This path winds through the forest and leads you to a first wide clearing, then to a second and three large basins of water forming a cascade.

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8 - Crête des Gravelles

This walk takes you to the top of a sunny little peak: the ideal spot for a picnic.

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