探索库尔舍维尔(Courchevel)未受破坏的自然环境,这里有清澈的湖泊、郁郁葱葱的森林和阿尔卑斯山的全景图。探索拉罗西耶尔(La Rosière)自然遗址的美丽,沿着小路前往高海拔的湖泊和特殊的观景点。
高雪维尔拥有丰富的自然遗产,这里有清澈的湖泊、郁郁葱葱的森林和雄伟壮观的高山。在La Rosière自然景区度过美好的一天,沉浸在被列为“Natura 2000”欧盟自然保护区的森林中,踏上远足之旅,去探索高山湖泊,或来到某个必游观景台:在度假期间,探索每日变幻的万种景观和氛围!瓦努瓦斯国家自然公园是与大自然亲密接触的理想乐园,土拨鼠在这里的草地上嬉戏,稀有的高山花朵绽放出美丽的笑容,高山湖泊呈现出最妩媚迷人的光彩。您也可以到国家自然公园之外的湖泊远足,享受湖畔野餐,或在湖边度过美好的午后垂钓时光。

Viewpoint - Signal
Magnificent views of the Alps and Tarentaise valley from the summit of Le Signal.

Lac Bleu
The Blue Lake is located at an altitude of nearly 2000m and overlooks the Courchevel Valley. You may have the chance to observe flying trout.

Lac du Praz

Lac de la Rosière
At the bottom of Les Avals valley, Le Lac de la Rosière is the departure for many walking path. A via ferrata for beginners is available.

Lac des Creux
A lake located at an altitude of almost 2300 meters with a view of the Vanoise summits, at the foot of the Aiguille du Fruit.

Lacs Merlet
The lower and upper Merlet lakes are located on the edge of the Vanoise National Park. The upper Merlet lake is fed by the snow melt in spring and by the waters of a rocky glacier located at the foot of the Aiguille du Fruit.

Forêt de la Dent du Villard
The forest of the Dent du Villard is crossed by many paths and its summit offers a magnificent view on the Vanoise. There is a pine forest of hooked pines on gypsum very rare in Europe.

Lac du Pêtre
An unspoilt valley, three mountain lakes with different characters, wild or more relaxing, and an abundance of flowers at the beginning of the season.